review Archive


Review: Metal Gear Solid 4

metal gear solid 4 logo

(This review is written to avoid any sort of spoiler reveals)

Metal Gear Solid 4 presents an inner dilemma for me. Part of me wants to tell each and every person in the world who has a modicum of interest in video games that they need to go out and buy it immediately. The other, more reasonable part of me says to be more reserved in my recommendation.

I’ll do both.

Let me start by saying that MGS4 is without a doubt one of the best experiences I have had with a single player video game. If I had to rank it, it would probably be in my top 5 single player games of all time. Like many other people, I bought a $599 USD Playstation 3 for this game (and Final Fantasy XIII). If this was all the PS3 was good for, I’d say it was worth it. You heard me, MGS4 was worth $685 to me.

The problem is that it’s not going to have as a great of an impact on you if you’re new to the series. An analogous comparison might be that of Lost. The season 4 finale of lost was amazing and even if you don’t follow the show, you could see why. But you won’t get some of the references, and you won’t fully appreciate the events that take place simply because you don’t have the historical reference points that you would have if you followed the show from the beginning.

If you’ve played through any of the previous games in the series and enjoyed them, what are you waiting for? Go finish off the previous 3 games in the series and buy this one – you’ll have an unforgettable experience.

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Internet Alert: I Finished Grand Theft Auto IV [Review]

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I’ll be the first to admit, I was never really a Grand Theft Auto series fan. The frustrating and tedious mission structure combined with not really caring about the “open world sandbox” gameplay style combined to turn me off from the series after playing a few hours.

However, we’re in the next generation of game consoles now, and I’ve become a bit more open minded and patient with my games. The fact that every Tom, Dick, and Harry out there rushed to throw the highest review scores possible on this game didn’t hurt either.

So one week after getting the game, I finished the main story with about 26 hours and 15 minutes and 62.15% completion according to the game’s stat list. I mainly plowed through the story missions using taxi rides and did a bit of the friend/dating relationships management.

Was it the really best game of the last decade?

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Review: Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 (PSP)

crisis core final fantasy 7 logo

If you’re a fan of Final Fantasy 7 and own a PSP you owe it to yourself to play Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 ASAP. Just stop reading and head over to your favorite retailer and pick up a copy – you won’t be disappointed. If you’ve never played a Final Fantasy game before, or are on the fence about starting with this one, then read on.

Crisis Core is the prequel to what is considered one of the greatest role-playing games of all time, Final Fantasy 7. However, unlike other titles in the series, Crisis Core does not have a turn based combat system. Rather, you control one character (Zack Fair) in an almost real-time action title. Combat almost reminded me of my time with God of War: Chains of Olympus as there is a button to roll/dodge and one to defend. Quite often I would play encounters like I did with GoW, dodging and blocking judiciously. Make no mistake, though, the game contains elements that are undeniably Final Fantasy.

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Review: Apollo Justice Ace Attorney

apollo justice
Apollo Justice is Capcom’s fourth entry into its venerable Ace Attorney series of handheld video games. It also represents a couple of firsts as well. It’s the first title in the series to not feature spiky-haired Phoenix Wright as the main protagonist and it’s also the first title in the series designed from the ground up for the Nintendo DS. (the previous three were designed for the Game Boy Advance)

If you’ve never played an Ace Attorney game before, a good way of describing it would be to draw parallels with TV shows.  It’s a nice blend of Law and Order with CSI with a touch of character drama that you might find on a show like Lost or Heroes.   You play as a budding young defense attorney who will not only have to stand his ground in a courtroom, but will also have to do a little detective work in investigating crime scenes and questioning witnesses.  Each game in the series is divided up into seemingly separate cases (usually 4-5) at first, but by the end you’ll notice that many of the characters and events are connected with each other in a larger way.

Despite a protagonist and character cast change, Apollo Justice doesn’t stray too far from the formula established by previous games in the series.  It does, however, provide a natural evolution of the investigative portions in the game by incorporating DS touch controls.  Fans of the franchise will definitely want to pick this one up.  It’s also a great jumping on point for newcomers who like to read courtroom/crime investigation dramas.

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Review: Assassin’s Creed

Odi et amo. I love and I hate. No blockbuster game this holiday season has created a big of a schism between gamers as Assassin’s Creed has. Much brouhaha has been unleashed upon the internet gaming community between the two entrenched camps of people who either loved the game or hated it. Regardless of critics’ opinions of the game, the fact remains that Ubisoft Montreal’s big-budget production is one of the most anticipated games of 2007.

From the time I viewed the incredible initial trailer of the game, I had it filed away under my short list of “must purchase” game titles this year. As release date neared, though, the increasingly negative buzz that emanated from early reviews and word of mouth nearly swayed my decision. However, after tempering my expectations and finding a great deal on the game ($39.99 from Fry’s), I took the plunge anyway. I’m not regretting the purchase one bit.

While being far from perfect, Assassin’s Creed is still a genuinely entertaining video game title. The presentation, graphics, animation, and plot are some of the best seen on the medium. However, several flaws keep it from being the true “must-play” experience it was hyped up to be. Nevertheless, Ubisoft has a great first entry in what should become one of their flagship franchises.
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Review: Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy is the best Mario title in over 15 years. It may very well be Nintendo’s finest achievement in video game creation. It is certainly the best game available on Nintendo’s Wii and is reason enough to justify owning the system. The game adeptly captures the essence of what makes video games fun and does so without compromising gameplay variety, difficulty, or control scheme.

I wasn’t originally planning on writing a review for this game, but my time with Super Mario Galaxy last week quickly transformed from a perfunctory interest into a burning desire to fully complete every level and obtain every star. And obtain every star I did. I write to you now the triumphant collector of all 120 stars in Galaxy and feel adequate enough in writing a review on the game.
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