steam Archive


Steam Releases Mobile App

Well, well well, Steam. Look who’s decided to join the mobile apps party.

I suppose it was only a matter of time before Valve jumped into mobile. Right now the features list looks pretty basic, offering only friend status updates, chatting, and access to the Steam store. While good for impulse buys or checking up on deals, I was actually hoping for at least an achievement viewer. There’s nothing I like doing more when I’m away from my computer than wistfully reflecting on all of my gaming accomplishments.

Obviously, the mobile app’s functionality will only grow from here. After all, Steam itself started off as a pretty basic client, too. It’ll be interesting to see if Steam expands its tendrils into the mobile gaming distribution arena, given that both Android and iOS already have exclusive channels for that. Perhaps Steam will become more of a content curator? There’s certainly a lot of trash to wade through in those marketplaces.

Though the app is still in an invite-only beta mode right now, you can still download it and poke around the offline mode. If you’ve used the iOS Gmail app, the Steam app UI looks very similar.

Download on iOS and Android




Buy Portal 2 PS3, get PC/Mac version free & Steam support

Well shit. This is a pretty cool bonus for people who own multiple platforms. Why shouldn’t I be able to play a game on my PC, Macbook, or PS3 after I’ve purchased it once? It’s kind of like an early version of UltraViolet for games.

If I’m reading this right, you’ll be able to start a game on one device and be able to pick up wherever you go because the game saves are stored in the cloud. How awesome is that?

Obviously, the Playstation 3 version becomes the one to buy for everyone. Kudos to Valve for making it easy and convenient for the consumer. I hope more publishers utilize this option for their multiplatform games. It’ll certainly give me a reason to choose the PS3 version of a game for once.

On top of that, anyone who buys Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 will be able to unlock a Steam Play copy of Portal 2 for the PC and Mac for free by linking their PSN and Steam accounts. Portal 2 project lead Josh Weier explains that Valve has designed the cross-platform experience to be hassle-free: “PS3 gamers will be able to simply drop the Blu-ray disc in the PS3, link to their Steam account from inside the game, and all their Steam friends (on PC and Mac) will be visible and accessible for chat and game invites.”

Read: Buy Portal 2 PS3, get PC/Mac version free & Steam support- Destructoid.


Free Portal (Steam For Mac Released)

A few years ago, I would have scoffed at all the adorable Apple faithful every time they got a feature or program that we PC users have had for ages.  The tables have turned, now that I own a Mac myself.

The much ballyhooed Steam Mac client was finally released this morning.  I freely admit to being one of those jackholes who refreshes his browser all morning in anticipation for software that has already been out for six years on a platform I already own.  Whatever, I’m excited to finally be able to play Torchlight on my Macbook without having to reboot into Windows.  It’s all about laziness, folks.

Oh, by the way, Valve is giving away free copies of Portal for the next 12 days to celebrate this (whether you’re a PC or Mac user), so please grab it if you’re one of the few people who haven’t played it yet.

Download the Steam Mac Client DMG


Everyday Shooter Now Available On PC/Steam

everyday shooter screenshot

If your only excuse for not checking out Jonathan Mak’s awesome “album of shooter games” was that you didn’t own a PS3, you have an excuse no longer!

Everyday Shooter is now available on Steam for the low price of $9.99 (or $8.99 if you buy the game this week).  I never got around to writing up an Indie Game Spotlight for this game, but rest assured, it was one of the best independent games to come out in 2007.

The game is comprised of 10 different songs/stages, each with its own song, art, and play style.   As you shoot enemies and create chain combos, you create new guitar riffs and sounds that layer on top of the music to create a seamless aural experience.  It’s an awesome synthesis of music and gaming and definitely worth your time.

Check Out The Steam Page []


Audiosurf Releases Friday On Steam

When I heard Audiosurf would be coming out in February, I just kinda assumed it was going to be the end of the month because that’s usually how these things work.

Au contraire, mon frère.

I just got word that Audiosurf releases on Steam this Friday for only $9.95 ($8.95 if you pre order it before then). A demo will also be released if you’re undecided on getting it. If you missed the boat on this game, read my recent Indie Game Spotlight on it.

To sweeten the deal even more, the game comes with the soundtrack to Valve’s Orange Box, including the lovable Portal credits song, “Still Alive.” On top of this, the game also has achievements as one of the first titles to take advantage of Valve’s new Steamworks package.

Support great indie developers and affordable digital distribution!

Excuse me while i fire up Steam to preorder it.

Audiosurf on Steam []