Listen To New Arcade Fire Songs – “The Suburbs” and “Month of May”

Last week, Arcade Fire released two clips of songs from their upcoming album, The Suburbs. Music blogs and the indie station on XM/Sirius trumpeted these 30 second previews as ZOMG MEGATON ANNOUNCEMENTS.

Come on.

What is this, 2003? I’d like to think Arcade Fire of all bands would not stoop to the “hype game”. Just give us the whole fucking songs.

Anyway, the songs are now up in their entirety.  You can listen to “The Suburbs” and “Month of May” via the cleverly designed Flash Widget below.

Personally, I am not that impressed.  Both songs are fairly straightforward and serviceable, if uninteresting.  “Month of May” is the uptempo rocker, while “The Suburbs” is a more happy-go-lucky indie track.  Consider my expectations tempered for the full album when it comes out on August 3rd.

Click this link if you would like to give Arcade Fire your hard earned money.

Protip: You can drag the spinning record in the widget back and forth like a real LP. Neat, huh?