trailer Archive


The 3rd Birthday (Parasite Eve 3) Looks Fun

Let’s clear one thing up: Square Enix’s The 3rd Birthday is for all intents and purposes Parasite Eve 3. Apparently Square considers this a “spinoff” game from the franchise, but it stars the main character from the other Parasite Eve games!

I’m getting ahead of myself. Most people have probably forgotten (or haven’t played) the Parasite Eve franchise. In very broad terms it’s Resident Evil meets Final Fantasy. Survival horror meets RPG if you will. In New York.

It may not incorporate wholly original elements, but the entire package is strangely alluring to me. Something about the modern sounding electro-piano soundtrack with the contemporary urban city landscape just clicks with me.

Or maybe it’s just the cute blonde girl with short hair and a stylish outfit.

Either way, the almost-forgotten Sony PSP is in dire need for some good new titles. Hopefully The 3rd Birthday delivers. The above trailer from Gamescom certainly looks like it’s headed in the right direction.


New Portal 2 Single Player Trailer Now With Stephen Merchant

Nary 24 hours since my request for someone to call when something awesome from Portal 2 was actually shown, someone called.

It’s not quite a 4 portal juggling event, but I love the mood shown in this new single player trailer for Portal 2. Stephen Merchant (The Office, Extras) sounds absolutely brilliant as your new spherical companion, Wheatley.

Plus, I’d be lying if I wasn’t absolutely terrified during the last scene of this video.



Portal 2 Co-Op Trailer Is What You Would Expect It To Be

Alright, this trailer for Portal 2’s cooperative gameplay is incredibly short, but I imagine it’s exciting for the throngs of Portal fans out there.

I’m excited for Portal 2 as much as the next guy, but I’m going to play the part of jaded gamer dude and hold it in my pants until we see something truly cool. Call me when they show puzzles where we’ve got to juggle our coop partners with 4 portals on the fly.


New E3 Vanquish Trailer Has In Game Footage

From Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil) and Platinum Games/Sega comes this epic game of US robots vs Russian robots over the demise of San Francisco.


It does look pretty fun though. I’m reminded of the fast paced movement of Virtual On with the wackiness of Bayonetta and the big budget effects of Gears of War. If all of those hunches play out, we could have a new standard for awesome.

I’ll definitely be checking this out at E3 next week.


Bulletstorm? More Like Popuptextstorm Amirite?

Contrary to what the snarky post headline may imply, this trailer for Epic Games/People Can Fly’s (Painkiller) upcoming first-person shooter, Bulletstorm, actually looks pretty damn fantastic.

Let’s be honest here, pop-up text makes you feel awesome.  Don’t pretend that getting a little floating “+10” every time you kill someone in Call of Duty doesn’t make your insides want to do a high five with itself.  Throw some Duke Nukem Big Foot and a laser whip to grab your enemies and this writer is sold.

(Extra props for using the best Nine Inch Nails song to get the blood flowing.)


New Prince of Persia Trailer Is Breathtaking

Wow. Ubisoft’s new trailer for the upcoming Prince of Persia game is absolutely stunning.  I was skeptical about the new art direction for the game, but am no longer.  Do yourself a favor and watch it in HD.  Your life will thank you for it.


The Cohen Brothers Are Funny Again

With all of the brouhaha over last year’s No Country For Old Men, it’s hard to remember that the Cohen Brothers actually have some chops making comedies.  The above trailer for their upcoming film, Burn After Reading, will remind you what it was like to smirk, nay, grin again.

On an anticipation scale of 1-3, I’ll give this one a “Maybe Want.”