Tron Legacy – Quick Thoughts

It took me awhile to get out to see Tron: Legacy because of the sheer amount of hate for the movie that I’ve been hearing and reading about. Basically, I went in expecting the most visually impressive trainwreck $170 million could buy.

You know, it wasn’t that bad. I mean you’re going to have to suspend copious amounts of disbelief, but if you try not to think about things too much, you might actually enjoy yourself. Don’t bother yourself with details like “Why is a giant software company policed only by one fat security guard?” or “How much are they paying that guy to chase Flynn to the roof of the building and balance on top of a beam to watch as he jumps off?” And let’s not get started about the rules of a world where software programs are anthropomorphized. Can you think of a reason why would software programs need to go to a nightclub?

Just enjoy the action scenes and amazing visual aesthetics. Don’t ask yourself why certain things are happening and what they mean. The basic story is a simple “chase the gizmo and escape” tale. If you just hold onto that, you won’t have any trouble following the plot.

I don’t think I’ve fallen with a movie world’s visuals this much since Blade Runner. It makes me wonder how jaw-dropping that movie would be if given the same visual treatment today.

This image of Olivia Wilde has been seared in my minds eye forever (in a good way):