Video Games Archive


Postgame: Vanquish

Ever wonder what kind of game Gears of War would have turned out as if the Japanese developed it? Welp, Vanquish is pretty much that game. Instead of the bad guys sinking cities with giant worms, they sink them with giant mech robots that transform from crab-form to bi-pedal form.

I previewed the game from E3 earlier in the year, and it pretty much turned out how I expected. It’s a third-person cover-based shooter with a ridiculous action movie plot and awkwardly bad dialogue that’s made even more awkward by the Japanese to English translation process. It’s also pretty damn fun, albeit a bit short.

I initially started off on the “Hard” difficulty level because a) I’m an achievement whore and b) I figure it couldn’t be that difficult for a seasoned action game pro like myself.

It was the wrong move.

I was making progress and got through the first Act of the game, but it was quickly becoming a joyless slog. Having to retry sections 10-15 times in a row has the tendency to ruin game flow. If you get this game, do yourself a favor and play it on Normal or even Casual. Though Vanquish has a cover system, it’s at its most fun when you’re zipping along from place to place at superspeed using your suit’s sliding ability. You will feel like a total badass sliding around like a cybernetically enhanced Steven Seagal and gunning robotic Russians down in the face.

There’s a couple of weird game design quirks that I didn’t really understand. For example, you’re penalized for using a melee attack. Hit someone once with it and it immediately depletes your shields. Not only are you extremely vulnerable, you can’t melee again until it recharges. Why anyone would use the melee attack other than to get the achievement is beyond me.

The weapon upgrade system also makes for weird gameplay motivations. Picking up a gun from the ground first replenishes your ammo for that gun to full. Any further weapons of the same type that you pick up will count as an upgrade as long as that gun has full ammo. What this does is make you want to hoard certain guns or else you’ll never get to upgrade them. Fire one shot off and you can kiss that upgrade goodbye unless you somehow find two of the same gun. Believe me, it’s a pretty crappy feeling to have that happen to you.

Other than that, the pace of the game is very fast. You won’t find many stealth sequences or “downtime” at all. There’s always Russian robots to blow up and large fights going on. The story’s nothing to write home about, but let’s not kid ourselves here. If you’re playing this game for exceptional storytelling, you’re playing it for the wrong reasons. The right reasons are if you want to blow the shit out of some shit.

Vanquish is a video gamer player’s video game. By that, I mean it’s under no pretense to appeal to a broad audience or people who aren’t “gamers.” It’s got everything you would expect to see in the 40 Year Old Virgin’s room – robots, guns, lasers, cute CGI chicks – you name it. If you liked any of those things growing up and don’t care about being judged for it, you’ll have a fun time playing Vanquish.


The Next SSX: What We’ve Heard So Far

They had me at “Next SSX.” I remember playing the original SSX into the wee hours in my college dorm.

From Kotaku:

EA Canada has been working on a new SSX entry for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 for the past two years, according to a source familiar with development of the game. The next SSX, that source claims, will take the game “back to its roots,” but feature controls similar to EA’s Skate franchise, using a controller’s right analog stick to perform tricks. Development of the game is said to be handled by much of the Skate team.

Read: The Next SSX: What We’ve Heard So Far.


PlayStation Rewards Program Quests

As silly as these “Quests” sound, I found myself reflexively mentally sorting out which tasks I could do easily. Something about “Quests” or “Achievements” or “Badges” just gets my goal-oriented brain going.

Unfortunately, there’s no metric for tracking what exactly you get for completing each quest – we’re supposed to just trust that their completion helps some arbitrary progress bar fill up and that we will be somehow rewarded at an unspecified time.

At least these tasks seem more novel than Microsoft’s own Xbox Live Rewards program. Their idea of rewards only apply if you buy stuff that generally is cheaper elsewhere. (Seriously, if you’re paying full price for an Xbox LIVE renewal, you’re not doing enough shopping on Amazon)

Completing Quests isn’t mandatory to earn progress, they’re just another way (on top of the existing ways) for you to have fun with the program.  Stay tuned because we’re rolling out new Quests on an ongoing basis. And most importantly, go have fun.

Here are the Quests we are starting with:

Speak Your Mind – Review 5 games on

Share the Play – Place your portable ID on 5 websites

No Place Like Home – Go to PlayStation Home and visit the Central Plaza

Demo Down – Download 5 game demos from PlayStation Store

Check Your Pulse – Download PULSE in HD on your PS3 system

Read it and Reap – Read 10 emails from PlayStation

Click It – Learn more by clicking through in 5 different emails from PlayStation

Movie Maniac – Rent or buy a movie from PlayStation Store

Move It – Play any eligible PlayStation Move game (see FAQ for list of eligible games)

Read: Announcing Quests – Forums.


Why Grand Theft Auto Won’t Be Annualized

I whole-heartedly agree with Mr. Zelnick. It makes me much more confident and excited about the quality of Take-Two titles in the future. Look at Activision completely driving the Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk franchises to the ground. Even EA has wised up a little bit too. (Non sports-games withstanding)

Take-Two Chairman and CEO Strauss Zelnick:

“My belief is that even a very, very high quality, annualized franchise runs the risk of burning customers out. ‘I’ve seen that five years in a row, I’ve had enough,'” he said. “If we had to use a film analogy, we’d like to be James Bond. You may have to wait a few years in between, but you’ll always want to see it.”

“I think that’s a more valuable approach and we’ve proven that for Take-Two that works.”

Read: Why Grand Theft Auto Won’t Be Annualized – PC News at IGN.


Complete Noble Map Pack Quick Looks

These went up a couple of weeks ago, but they’re still worth watching, especially if you’re any fan of Halo. This is how you get fans excited about an upcoming release – with honest, candid and informative developer commentary videos. I’ll take these over any bullshot movie trailer wannabe videos anyday.

Watch: : Complete Noble Map Pack Quick Looks : 11/23/2010 6:09 AM PST.


Prosecutors Dismiss Xbox Modding Case Mid-Trial

This case reminds me of the RIAA lawsuits against specific file sharers. It seems like an incredible waste of resources to go after one dude Anaheim who is tinkering with Xboxes in his spare time. The prosecutors sound pretty incompetent too. Let people tinker with their shit if they want to. If they’re out there selling DVD-Rs of games to the mass market with the intent of profiting off someone else’s IP’s then go after them.

Jurors, who heard only one day of testimony, left the courthouse with mixed opinions on the case. “When we left yesterday, I was thinking, ‘What are we doing here?’” said juror Paul Dietz, a 27-year-old actor. He said he “probably would have” acquitted.

Read: Prosecutors Dismiss Xbox Modding Case Mid-Trial | Threat Level |


December Bonus with Hot Arcade Games 400 MS Point Rebate

Microsoft is offering 400 MS Points ($5) back if you buy any two LIVE Arcade games they have listed. It’s a decent deal if you’re looking for some games to play.

Here’s my picks (with genres):

  • LIMBO – single player puzzle platformer
  • Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light – 2 player co-op action/puzzle
  • Super Meat Boy – single player challenging platformer
  • Monday Night Combat – multiplayer online team shooter/tower defense hybrid
  • Shadow Complex – single player 2D adventure (like Metroid/Castlevania)

There’s more titles, but these are the ones I’ve played through and can whole heartedly recommend. Be sure to follow the directions in the link, you need to download a Gamer Pic before you can take advantage of the discount.

Read: December Bonus with Hot Arcade Games –


Nintendo Wii’s Sales Decline Has Some Wondering If the Game’s Over

My Wii gathers dust for about 80% of the year. The only time I turn it on is for exclusive AAA releases and those are few and far between nowadays. Once people have seen the Kinect in action they want no part of the Wii anymore.

Reggie Fils-Aime:

“The back half of any system cycle always attracts a higher proportion of buyers who are concerned with price, ease of use and group play.… [T]his late-adopter group is the next audience for the Wii,” he said in an e-mailed statement.

Call me edgy, but it seems to me that once you’re depending on the “late-adopter” group, your product is on its last legs.

Read: Nintendo Wii’s sales decline has some wondering if the game’s over –


Rumor/Leak of the Day – Upcoming Blizzard Product Slate

And here’s your rumor of the day. It’s a leaked slide from a probable internal Blizzard presentation a few months ago. Other than a Diablo 3 release date of Q4 2012, most of the upcoming release schedule is fairly predictable.

Well other than this:

Yeah, that’s Blizzard’s new MMOFPS and I might have hinted at that in the past but I don’t have a lot of extra information about it and the release date is just an estimation. Don’t assume that it will be released by the end of 2013 based on that document, it would be very stupid. (Edit: Titan is a new game by the way, not an existing IP. But I’m really not sure what’s the plan with it, I just know that the FPS bit is most likely here to stay)

Read: MMO-Champion – Blizzard Product Slate, Forum Titles, Blizzcast 15, Blue Posts


Video Review: New Xbox 360 Silver Controller With Transforming D-Pad

**Updated 11/11 with fix for the mirrored video from the previous embed. Plus a neat little title!

So you may or may not have heard that Microsoft is putting out a new controller for the Xbox 360 on November 9th. It’s got a nice silver finish and has newly contoured joysticks and a magical transforming d-pad that will help you pull of shourykens a lot better.

I got my hands on one last week and have put together a mini-review video below.

TL;DW – It’s a nice improvement and worth the money if you were planning on getting a new controller or need one with a good d-pad. It’s not a ZOMG BUY THIS NOW purchase, but you won’t want to go back to the old one once you’ve gotten it.