Video Games Archive


Olivia Munn Is Potty

I’ve never watched G4 TV before, but this clip of Olivia Munn kinda makes me want to start watching “Attack of the Show.”

I think I’m in love.


God of War Track Comes To Guitar Hero 3 On PS3 For Free

Not to feel left out after the Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero 3 got free DLC in the form of the Halo 3 theme, Sony will be putting out their own blockbuster franchise theme on Guitar Hero in the form of God of War.

Frankly, it looks like you’re going to be playing a mish mash of guitar notes – the recognizable part is with the chorus and it’s not quite apparent you get to rock out to that.  But free is free.  Just don’t expect the God of War gameplay footage as you click-clack away.

The content will show up on tomorrow’s Playstation Store update and will be free.


Your Chance To Teabag Death Cab For Cutie In Call Of Duty 4

death cab for cutie pew pew pew

If you think Death Cab For Cutie is too “emo” for this world, now’s your chance to virtually teabag them after shooting them to death online!

Nick and Jason from DCFC will be playing Call of Duty 4 against any and all thirteen year olds opponents this Friday, May 16th from 7:30-9:30 EST. You’ll only be able to play against them if you have the Xbox 360 version of the game, though.

If you’re an Xbox LIVE Gold member, and you want a chance to play with Death Cab for Cutie, send a friend request to the following Gamertags and be online half an hour before (7:00 P.M. ET) the Game with Fame session starts at 7:30 P.M. ET on Friday, May 16:

  • GWF DCFC Nick
  • GWF DCFC Jason

It’s too bad there’s no extra in game challenge XP awards for killing indie rockers, that should be good for at least 1000xp in game.

Game With Fame: Death Cab For Cutie []


Nintendo Launches Wii Ware, Final Fantasy

wii ware logo

Fire up your favorite song about kings and airships (Coldplay – Viva La Vida) if you have a Wii, because today is the day you get Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As King!

Nintendo’s much anticipated Wii Ware service launches today with six titles, including the aforementioned FFCCMLAK.   Wii Ware essentially allows for original games to be distributed digitally to your Wii, ala Xbox Live Arcade or the Playstation Network.

More platforms for games is always a good thing, especially if it means original Homestarrunner games.

The six titles are (divide by 100 to get actual dollar amounts):

Final Fantasy: 1500 Wii Points
LostWinds: 1000 Wii Points
Defend Your Castle: 500 Wii Points
Pop: 700 Wii Points
VIP Casino Blackjack: 700 Wii Points
TV Show King: 1000 Wii Points

Full game descriptions after the jump.

Read the rest of this entry »


Everyday Shooter Now Available On PC/Steam

everyday shooter screenshot

If your only excuse for not checking out Jonathan Mak’s awesome “album of shooter games” was that you didn’t own a PS3, you have an excuse no longer!

Everyday Shooter is now available on Steam for the low price of $9.99 (or $8.99 if you buy the game this week).  I never got around to writing up an Indie Game Spotlight for this game, but rest assured, it was one of the best independent games to come out in 2007.

The game is comprised of 10 different songs/stages, each with its own song, art, and play style.   As you shoot enemies and create chain combos, you create new guitar riffs and sounds that layer on top of the music to create a seamless aural experience.  It’s an awesome synthesis of music and gaming and definitely worth your time.

Check Out The Steam Page []


Review: Boom Blox [Wii]

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When I heard that EA and Steven Spielberg were “teaming up” to create a video game, I have to admit that the announcement didn’t exactly get my panties wet.  Though Spielberg is one of the great movie directors of our time, he has never been involved with the production of a video game.  On top of that, Spielberg’s credited role as “Creative Director” is suspiciously nebulous.

Regardless of Stevie’s role in the game’s production, the fact remains that Boom Blox is actually a surprisingly fun game.  Though it’s a puzzle game designed for the whole family/casual players, even hardcore gamers can extract some kind of enjoyment from it.  EA LA have managed to develop some of the tightest motion controls seen on a Wii game.  It’s safe to say Boom Blox would not have been possible on any other gaming platform at this time. Read the rest of this entry »


Gore Verbinski To Direct Bioshock Movie

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Variety is reporting that Pirates of the Carribbean director, Gore Verbinski, is attached to direct and produce the Bioshock movie.

“Bioshock” publisher Take-Two Interactive is getting a multimillion-dollar advance against gross points on the pic. It’s believed to be the biggest videogame-to-movie deal since 2005, when U and Fox signed onto the since aborted “Halo” pic, for which Microsoft got $5 million against 10%.

Bioshock was unquestionably the most cinematic game to come out in 2007.  The game juxtaposed some strong imagery with uncomfortable themes.  With it’s strong narrative and memorable setting, it makes sense that Hollywood would be quick to jump on it.  While it could be argued that the Pirates sequels were a bit plodding, Verbinski’s talent in creating visually stunning blockbuster movies is unquestionable.

Given the poor track record of video game movies, I’m going to be cautiously optimistic about this one.  I currently have my expectations set roughly on par with the Wachowskis’ V For Vendetta film adaptation – solid, but not quite up to the standards of the original.

Read the Variety article []


Mirror’s Edge Could Be Cool

I’m always skeptical when I see a game published by EA nowadays, but Mirror’s Edge looks like it has some promise.  It’s a first-person game that is heavily influenced by parkour.  The game deemphasizes shooting and focuses more on getting from one point to another in the quickest way possible.

So basically it’s a first person Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.  Or the freerunning parts of Assassin’s Creed, presumably with more platforming skills involved.

First-person platforming has always been frustratingly terrible, but if EA can pull this off right, it might have a sleeper hit on its hands.

Read the Shacknews preview []


Internet Alert: I Finished Grand Theft Auto IV [Review]

grand theft auto 4 logo gta

I’ll be the first to admit, I was never really a Grand Theft Auto series fan. The frustrating and tedious mission structure combined with not really caring about the “open world sandbox” gameplay style combined to turn me off from the series after playing a few hours.

However, we’re in the next generation of game consoles now, and I’ve become a bit more open minded and patient with my games. The fact that every Tom, Dick, and Harry out there rushed to throw the highest review scores possible on this game didn’t hurt either.

So one week after getting the game, I finished the main story with about 26 hours and 15 minutes and 62.15% completion according to the game’s stat list. I mainly plowed through the story missions using taxi rides and did a bit of the friend/dating relationships management.

Was it the really best game of the last decade?

Read the rest of this entry »


GTA 4 Breaks Entertainment Sales Records

grand theft auto 4 gta greed money sales

The Grand Theft Auto IV juggernaut has landed and its made over $500 million its first week in release on 6 million copies sold worldwide.  Even more astonishing were the first day numbers of 3.6 million copies, grossing $310 million.

According to the Take Two press release:

Grand Theft Auto IV’s first week performance represents the largest launch in the history of interactive entertainment, and we believe these retail sales levels surpass any movie or music launch to date.

I can’t think of a movie thats made more money in its opening week and this certainly trumps *NSYNC’s No Strings Attached release.  Safe to say we have a changing of the guard in the entertainment industry?

Read the press release []