video Archive


Bootlegged: Arcade Fire – Intervention @ Shrine Auditorium, LA 10/8/2010

Arcade Fire has quickly built a reputation for being one of the best live touring acts, and for good reason. The very nature of the band being comprised of 7-9 members crammed onto a stage can often lead to the sensation that their sound can’t be contained by the stage or venue. While this had been the case in the previous times I’ve seen the band, something felt a little off with this gig. It just felt a little… sterile. Like the band was still playing the notes accurately and dynamically, but was somehow devoid of the passion that burned in performances past.

Judge for yourself in the recording of “Intervention” above. Even the black and white stage lighting seemed to accentuate the fact that, ironically, perhaps “every sparkle of friendship and love will die…” when you go number 1 on the Billboard charts.

Note on the semi-crappy recording: I wanted to record at least one song from night two of Arcade Fire at the Shrine last week to post, but there was a tall bro in front of me who kept swaying back and forth at the worst times to block my camera. Eventually I just said screw it and kept filming, so if you’re annoyed by the swaying head in this video, you know why.


Bootlegged: Local Natives – Sun Hands @ Henry Fonda Theater Hollywood 9/17/10

From time to time, I like to whip out the ‘ol iPhone 4 HD video camera and capture some highlights from the shows I go to. Sometimes they don’t even end up half-bad.

This is one of those times.

Here’s a live video bootleg of one of my favorite singles of 2010 so far, “Sun Hands,” by Local Natives. I was a bit surprised that the band sold out the ~1,500 person capacity Henry Fonda Theater in Hollywood two nights in a row, but they are “local natives” of Los Angeles, after all. More dynamic than the droning buzz of “Chillwave” indie rock, yet less conventional than your meat and potatoes Rock – you’ll find yourself head bobbing, air drumming, and possibly singing along to this track.


Watch Ten Minutes Of Bioshock Infinite Gameplay

Alright, I’m officially onboard the Sky-o-Shock Bioshock Infinite train after watching this enthralling gameplay video.

Seriously, if you have or had any interest in Bioshock whatsoever, you need to see this video.

I admit to being a bit nonplussed by the announcement last month, but seeing the game in action goes a long way to mollifying my concerns with the game. Frankly, I just needed some space between this and Bioshock 2. By the time Infinite comes out, I bet people will be frothing at the mouth if this video is any indication of the finished game.

The floating city of Columbia looks to have just as much, if not more character than the underwater city of Rapture did. The interactions with Elizabeth add a little more human drama to the proceedings. As great a device the voice communiques in the original Bioshock were, I’m looking forward to actually getting more face time with my allies in Infinite.

Oh, and apparently some people on the internet are complaining about the linearity of the gameplay in the video. To which i say ptooey. I couldn’t care less if a dramatic and story driven game leans toward the more linear side. As entertaining as you, the player, are, there’s a reason why we pay Irrational $60 to play their game.

But if you lose sleep over that sort of thing, check out this tasty quote from Ken Levine from his interview with The EU Playstation Blog:

“You might choose to take on enemies at extremely long range while traveling on Sky-Lines, or you might engage in close combat,” he says. “You might do both in quick succession. You can jump between criss-crossing Sky-Line routes, allowing you to instantly change direction and evade or outflank enemies. Sky-Lines are there to expand your tactical options, not dictate them.”

(One final suggestion: If you can wait until you get in front of an Xbox 360 to watch it, I recommend grabbing the video from the Xbox Live Marketplace. It’s in hi-def and will look the same on your TV as if you were playing the game itself.)


Call Of Duty Black Ops Gives Its Target Demographic What It Wants


Sorry about that, sometimes I get the douchey meathead version of Tourrette’s Syndrome.

Anyway, even though Infinity Ward has long left the Call of Duty franchise, Activision is still planning on releasing new CoD titles like clockwork. Developer Treyarch unveiled the multiplayer portion of the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops last week and it looks like it’s taking the “earn xp in a gun game” mechanic to the next logical step – wager battles.

That’s right, instead of simply being content by earning the first person gaming equivalent of participation medals, you can now bet all those hard earned points you’ve built up from playing Call of Duty on blood matches.

Personally, I’m a bit sick of the grindy leveling up mechanic for multiplayer shooters, but you do have to hand it to Treyarch – no one’s done what they’re doing here before.

Watch the developer walkthrough video above for more info on the new gametypes in Call of Duty: Black Ops.


Xbox Live For Windows Phone 7 Looks Kinda Cool

Windows Mobile has become somewhat of a a joke in recent years, no thanks to the proliferation of Android and iPhone phones topped off by the utterly disastrous Microsoft Kin launch earlier this year. However, after watching this walkthrough video, I admit I’m warming up to the idea that Windows Phone 7 could actually be a good product. (Especially given that its release is imminent.)

I’m particularly interested in the Xbox Live implementation on a mobile device because from the looks of it, Microsoft’s clearly ahead of Apple, Google, Sony, Nintendo, and anyone else in terms of gaming platforms on the go. Not only is there seamless integration with your existing Xbox Live profile, the potential is there for real time multiplayer gaming with not only other mobile users, but with Xbox players.

It’s just too bad it’s confined to Windows Phone 7 devices at the moment. As much as I don’t mind Microsoft establishing another great smartphone platform, I sure as hell aren’t buying a new phone anytime soon. If it works out as promised, I wouldn’t mind paying for the Xbox Live functionality on my iPhone, though. Perhaps it may behoove Microsoft to be the go to service for all mobile gaming, rather than tying it to a potential dead end product.

Start watching at around 9:30 for the Xbox Live stuff. If you want a run down of the entire Windows Phone 7 experience, feel free to start from the beginning. Just try and tune out the awkwardly nerdy interviewer.


Portal 2 Co-Op Gameplay Walkthrough Video From PAX Is Win

Now this is what I’m talking about.

Sticklers may point out that this Portal 2 extended co-op gameplay footage from PAX doesn’t show anything mindblowingly different from the very short teaser a couple weeks ago, but they can go stick it somewhere else. Something about seeing the game in live action makes the whole idea that they’re making a sequel to Portal more… tangible.

Watching this video, my mind began to race with all of the devilishly clever puzzle solutions that could be possible with four portals to play with. Plus, hearing GLaDOS deliver its acerbic, yet oddly charming post-test comments just brings a smile to my face. Like I’m coming home again.

Oh, and don’t forget robot hugsies.


Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Developer Walkthrough Video

Honestly, I’m a little burnt on the Assassin’s Creed franchise.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the gameplay and the plot of the series has been fairly fascinating, but Ubisoft’s planning on releasing Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood barely a year after the last title came out.

Since there’s no new number in the title, it may be confusing as to what Brotherhood is exactly. Essentially, it’s a continuation of Ezio’s story from Assassin’s Creed 2. However, a multiplayer mode has been added along with a more robust territory/army building metagame.

Much like Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, you can recruit assassins, send them on missions, and upgrade them like Pokemon. It’s an interesting wrinkle in the series, but I’m not sure it’s that compelling to draw me back into the the world of the Renaissance again.

Perhaps you’ll be more inclined after watch the developer walkthrough above.


Crysis 2 Multiplayer Gameplay Footage

The Crysis franchise has long been known for incredible graphics and an open ended single-player experience.

So why am I posting a video of multiplayer footage?

Simply put, it intrigues me. See, Crysis also incorporates interesting suit powers such as super strength, speed, or cloaking. That in it of itself is grounds enough to separate the game from the sea of Call of Duty clones out there right now.

Decide for yourself it’s enough to take a look.


Peter Molyneux TED Talk Shows Milo As A Potential Kinect Killer App

Ah, the days of E3 2009. Where the Microsoft Kinect (then Project Natal) was still new, wondrous, and offered a world of possibilities. Back then, one of the more interesting demos was of Milo, an AI boy you could interact with like a real human. Since then, nary a peep has been heard about Milo from his creator, Peter Molyneux (Fable, Populous).

Until now.

Molyneux whipped out Milo at his TED talk earlier this year and it looks a bit more fleshed out as a “game,” as opposed to merely a tech demo. Apparently his goal was to create an environment and interface where humans can interact with an evolving AI as if it was human. No input devices needed, just a Kinect and your bad self.

If you’re time-starved, you can skip to about 9 minutes where the interesting interactions take place. Molyneux reveals that Milo’s AI will “live in the cloud” and evolve from various peoples’ playthroughs. It has the promise of being truly revolutionary stuff for the video game/interactive entertainment industry. Though the Milo demo is ultimately unexciting in subject matter (Milo’s biggest problem is adjusting to a move from England to New England), it’s leagues more interesting than pantomiming through Wii Sports knock-offs.

Well, at least until Milo turns into Skynet and conquers us all.


Refresh Your Metroid Lore Before Other M Comes Out

Although Metroid has been one of Nintendo’s most storied franchises, it’s also paradoxically one of the least understood. Countless times I have seen people embarrass themselves (usually nostalgic gaming poseurs) by referring to Samus Aran as “Metroid”. No, you ninny,”Metroid” is the furthest life form from an attractive female bounty hunter. They are translucent life-sucking alien jellyfish with giant fangs. Capiche?

Nerd rage aside, Metroid lore can be a little confusing, so no one will judge you if you need to watch this 7 minute catch up video on what happened in the previous games. It’s a good time to catch up before Metroid: Other M releases on the Wii next week, as it promises to be a lot more focused on character and story than any other Metroid game prior. (For the first time ever, there’ll be voice acting in a Metroid game!)

However, we’ll still judge you if you pull the faux pas of calling the main character “Metroid.”

(video courtesy of Joystiq)