video Archive


Bulletstorm? More Like Popuptextstorm Amirite?

Contrary to what the snarky post headline may imply, this trailer for Epic Games/People Can Fly’s (Painkiller) upcoming first-person shooter, Bulletstorm, actually looks pretty damn fantastic.

Let’s be honest here, pop-up text makes you feel awesome.  Don’t pretend that getting a little floating “+10” every time you kill someone in Call of Duty doesn’t make your insides want to do a high five with itself.  Throw some Duke Nukem Big Foot and a laser whip to grab your enemies and this writer is sold.

(Extra props for using the best Nine Inch Nails song to get the blood flowing.)


New Deadmau5 – Some Chords

At first I was like, “Yesssss, this shit PUMPS ME UP!”  Then I was like, “I like it, but it’s not anything groundbreaking”.  Now I find myself outside randomly wishing I could hear it right now.


New M.I.A video – Born Free

I’m trying to dance to this new M.I.A song, but just can’t find the groove.

On a related note, I get what the intended message is, but found it hard to take completely seriously due to South Park and Gingers.

(Warning: there’s violence, curse words, and people in flesh suits pretending to do it in the video)


Windows 7 Party Pack Unboxing (or Everything You Need For A 7 Year Old’s Birthday Party)

FYI: The playing cards were a pretty high quality Bicycle deck.


Video Of The Month


Put Your Pwnge Halo 3 Replays On The Web Easily

I’ve been playing around with a new gaming community video content hub/service called  Along with the ability for users to upload and share HD game video content, GameVee has a unique utility called “Grab.” Using a top secret voodoo propietary algorithm/solution, Grab automates the process of capturing video content from games and uploads it into a tidy Flash-based video player for you to share with everyone on the web.

Right now the service only works with game replays/clips on Halo 3 file shares, but it’s still pretty damn awesome.  All you need to do is put in an Xbox Live gamertag along with the title of a video clip on the person’s file share and Grab will automagically capture, convert, and upload the clip.  It does take a few hours to complete a Grab request, though, as it looks like a laborious process for the black box to download, play, capture, and convert a replay.  It’s hard to find fault with the results though.

Making gameplay video capturing this easy is going to take social gaming to a new level.  Games like Pixeljunk Eden already have the ability to capture gameplay video and upload directly into YouTube from within the game.  I know I’m going to be sharing my awesome gaming exploits with people who don’t even own a game console.  It’s only going to help generate interest and awareness for games and the games industry.

Indulge me after the jump as I share with you a video of me going 19-1 in a ranked doubles match recorded shortly after the release of Halo 3 last fall.
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Ernest Borgnine Has A Secret To Tell You

Whew. I can rest easy knowing I will live a long life like 91 year old Ernest Borgnine.


A New Internet Catchphrase Is Born

I don’t know how I missed this earlier this week, but Fox News anchor, E.D. Hill, calling Barack and Michelle Obama doing a fist bump, a “Terrorist Fist-Jab” is definitely one of the pottiest things I’ve heard all year.

Sadly, Ms. Hill has lost her show. On the bright side, she’s coined a catchphrase that will surely linger on the interwebs for years to come.


The Onion Has Exclusive On New WoW Expansion: The World of World of Warcraft

It’s uncanny how realistic they can make video games these days.


How Did This Guy Get To Play Duke Nukem Forever?

I have no idea who Jace Hall is, but apparently he finagled a video exclusive out of 3DRealms for its legendary vaporware title, Duke Nukem Forever.

If you haven’t been following games for the past couple of decades, you may not be aware that this game has been in development for over 12 years. I remember chomping at the bit in 1997 for this sequel to the awesome Duke Nukem 3d that was supposed to go head to head with Quake 2 to determine first-person shooter title supremacy.

My reaction to the vid?

Looks alright. At this point, I don’t even know what I’m expecting anymore. As long as it has Duke’s trademark potty humor and it has a decent feel, I’ll probably be happy with it. It’s not like anyone’s expecting the equivalent of Bioshock out of this one.

Skip about 4 minutes into the video to see the gameplay footage – the first half of the video is an interview with Agent Weiss from Alias.

Update: It looks like Jace is a former VP at Warner Bros. Interactive – Read more here