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They Are Making A Street Fighter Vs Tekken Game

Given that there’s a Street Fighter vs _____ game for almost everything these days, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Capcom and Namco are working on Street Fighter X Tekken. But I’d be lying if I said I knew of its existence before. It looks like a mashup between Tekken Tag Tournament and Street Fighter 4, which is shaping up to be pretty darn awesome if you ask me.

Also, after watching this trailer it’s no surprise why the Tekken fighters are such big pussies. They can’t shoot fireballs or sonic booms and shit so they get their asses kicked by some real fighters. I mean, look at this shit, they get beastified by the Street Fighter dudes. (Can you tell which game I was partial to as a kid?)

via IGN.


New Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Trailer Shows Off Super Skrull, Dormammu

God, I can’t wait for this game.

As someone who grew up on Street Fighter and Marvel Comics, Capcom’s (X-Men/Marvel) Vs. (Street Fighter/Capcom) franchise has always held a special place in my heart. It also tickles my inner nerd seeing not-so-mainstream villains such as Dormammu or Super Skrull get playable character status.

Something about the pseudo-3d graphics feels a little…sterile to me, though. I know it worked for Street Fighter 4, but my gut wishes that they would have gone with super hi-resolution 2d animation based off of a genuine comic artist’s work.

Oh well, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 still looks like incredible fun.

While the trailer may seem like a shitshow to the uninitiated, there’s actually a methodical way to play this game. It doesn’t take too long to process what’s going on and once you do it’s immensely satisfying to pull off those 16 hit air combos and/or fantastical super moves.