ware Archive


Review: Strong Bad’s Cool Game For Attractive People

Strong Bad Homestar Runner Game

I gotta admit, Homestar Runner was a huge part of my college days.  Every Monday my friends and I would eagerly wait for the latest animated Strong Bad email to be posted so we could watch and quote it for the rest of the week.  Though I stopped following the site in recent years, I was still very excited when Telltale Games announced an episodic adventure game based on the Homestar Runner characters and world.  After a two month delay, the first episode was finally released yesterday on Wii Ware and for the PC.

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Nintendo Launches Wii Ware, Final Fantasy

wii ware logo

Fire up your favorite song about kings and airships (Coldplay – Viva La Vida) if you have a Wii, because today is the day you get Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As King!

Nintendo’s much anticipated Wii Ware service launches today with six titles, including the aforementioned FFCCMLAK.   Wii Ware essentially allows for original games to be distributed digitally to your Wii, ala Xbox Live Arcade or the Playstation Network.

More platforms for games is always a good thing, especially if it means original Homestarrunner games.

The six titles are (divide by 100 to get actual dollar amounts):

Final Fantasy: 1500 Wii Points
LostWinds: 1000 Wii Points
Defend Your Castle: 500 Wii Points
Pop: 700 Wii Points
VIP Casino Blackjack: 700 Wii Points
TV Show King: 1000 Wii Points

Full game descriptions after the jump.

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