Ubisoft’s We Dare Is The Most Ridiculous Video Game Ever

The closest explanation I can give for this new Ubisoft Wii game is that it’s a really silly version of “Truth or Dare,” without the Truth part. Watch this video trailer first and then we’ll talk.

The original trailer (with the tagline “Have A Spicy Evening!”) has been region locked away from the US, probably because we Americans were giggling like school girls over all the sexual things going on in this video. Nevermind the fact that the only way this game would work is if you were extremely attractive and the only other people you were playing with were also genetic specimens. Actually, the only way this game would work is if the experience was a one to one re-creation of the trailer with the exact same people involved. Otherwise, I’d prefer to skip the foreplay, ma’am.

Now that I think about it, it’s good that this game is currently set for release in Europe only. From what I’ve seen in the movies, those people are always more attractive than Americans anyway. Could you imagine the People of Walmart playing this game? Enjoy the mental images. They’re yours to keep.

Since some of you can’t see the original trailer anymore, I’ve taken the liberty of capturing the different “secret endings” to the trailer. (Originally, you could click on each of the codes at the end of the trailer to choose your own ending). Not to spoil anything, but they end in either sexy time or hilarious dude on dude action.



