wii Archive


Nintendo Launches Wii Ware, Final Fantasy

wii ware logo

Fire up your favorite song about kings and airships (Coldplay – Viva La Vida) if you have a Wii, because today is the day you get Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As King!

Nintendo’s much anticipated Wii Ware service launches today with six titles, including the aforementioned FFCCMLAK.   Wii Ware essentially allows for original games to be distributed digitally to your Wii, ala Xbox Live Arcade or the Playstation Network.

More platforms for games is always a good thing, especially if it means original Homestarrunner games.

The six titles are (divide by 100 to get actual dollar amounts):

Final Fantasy: 1500 Wii Points
LostWinds: 1000 Wii Points
Defend Your Castle: 500 Wii Points
Pop: 700 Wii Points
VIP Casino Blackjack: 700 Wii Points
TV Show King: 1000 Wii Points

Full game descriptions after the jump.

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Review: Boom Blox [Wii]

boom blox logo

When I heard that EA and Steven Spielberg were “teaming up” to create a video game, I have to admit that the announcement didn’t exactly get my panties wet.  Though Spielberg is one of the great movie directors of our time, he has never been involved with the production of a video game.  On top of that, Spielberg’s credited role as “Creative Director” is suspiciously nebulous.

Regardless of Stevie’s role in the game’s production, the fact remains that Boom Blox is actually a surprisingly fun game.  Though it’s a puzzle game designed for the whole family/casual players, even hardcore gamers can extract some kind of enjoyment from it.  EA LA have managed to develop some of the tightest motion controls seen on a Wii game.  It’s safe to say Boom Blox would not have been possible on any other gaming platform at this time. Read the rest of this entry »


Steven Spielberg’s Boom Blox Looks Kinda Fun

After watching the above playthrough of Steven Spielberg’s Boom Blox on Wiitalia, I gotta admit the game actually looks pretty fun. The single player puzzle mode looks like a blast, while the multiplayer reminds me of both Jenga and a bizzaro world version of Jenga (where you want to knock all the blocks in a tower down). A good physics model looks to be implemented as well.

Sure, it’s a little questionable as to how much real involvement the vaunted director had on the game ‘s development, but if it gets more people to check out a good puzzler then so be it.

As to whether I would plunk down a full retail $50 for this Wii game at launch? Eh… I’d have to think about that one. If it were priced as an XBLA or PSN game at $10-$15, I’d be more than willing to give it a shot sight unseen.


Review: Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy is the best Mario title in over 15 years. It may very well be Nintendo’s finest achievement in video game creation. It is certainly the best game available on Nintendo’s Wii and is reason enough to justify owning the system. The game adeptly captures the essence of what makes video games fun and does so without compromising gameplay variety, difficulty, or control scheme.

I wasn’t originally planning on writing a review for this game, but my time with Super Mario Galaxy last week quickly transformed from a perfunctory interest into a burning desire to fully complete every level and obtain every star. And obtain every star I did. I write to you now the triumphant collector of all 120 stars in Galaxy and feel adequate enough in writing a review on the game.
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