Review: Ninja Gaiden 2

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Games like Bioshock and Grand Theft Auto IV are pushing the boundaries in terms of storytelling and emotional evocation from a video game.

Ninja Gaiden 2 does no such thing.

What it does do, is provide the most exhilarating, visceral kickassery that you’ll experience on the Xbox 360.

An way to describe the kind of game you’re getting yourself into might be that it’s what Michael Bay would make were he to make a summer blockbuster involving ninjas, demons, explosions, decapitations, blood, and big-breasted women.  It’s as easy to play as mashing buttons, but the combat also has the depth of a fighting game like Soul Calibur.

If that sounds appealing to you, or if you just love action games, go out and buy this game now.  It has some flaws in both design and camera work, but as an overall experience, it’s still great fun.

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