The Cyberathelete Professional League Shuts Down

It looks like the inevitable has caught up with the CPL, forcing the once venerable professional gaming tournament organizers to “cease operations.”

…the current fragmentation of the sport, a crowded field of competing leagues, and the current economic climate have prompted the CPL to suspend its pro-tournament operations.

As a former professional gamer (yes, really) in the Quake 3 era, I remember the days when the CPL was the only “legit game” in town. If you placed highly in CPL tournaments you were the best of the best. It was akin to getting far in the NCAA March Madness tournament. Not to mention the millions of dollars that were promised in prizes. Other prize tournaments would pop up, but they would never have the credibility that the CPL once had to the competitive gaming community in terms of deciding who was the best. (not to mention producing some really epic match replays/demos)

That being said, the league just wasn’t well positioned to break through to the mainstream anytime soon. The CPL was never a really a “league” per say, it was more a series of event tournaments that always seemed to be located somewhere in Texas and always had entrance fees in the hundreds of dollars. This basically ensured that unless you lived in Texas or were really fucking good at the games, you wouldn’t be attending. I also never understood why they charged money to simply spectate the events, especially during the early years when it would have been better suited to gain more exposure and fans.

I haven’t followed the CPL or other professional gaming leagues closely in over half a decade, but a quick glance at the sheer number of leagues and acronyms has my head spinning. CPL, GGL, CGS, MLG, WCG, who can keep track? If someone like me is overwhelmed, think of how the general public would react.

Professional gaming may or may not eventually take off like other ancilliary “sports” (e.g. poker, NASCAR, etc.), but it certainly has a long way to go.

The CPL Ceases Operations []

About Andy Yen