This Is The Coolest Portal Plush Toy I’ve Seen

I wish I was as engineering-savvy as Jonathan Guberman because he and Leigh Nunan have managed to create the coolest interactive plush toy I’ve seen yet. Yeah, the Companion Cube from Portal is great, but it just kinda sits there, unlike the turrets in the game which have some adorable one-liners that really give it that human touch.

This baby has both a lift and motion sensor and responds to both with lines straight out of Portal. The only thing it’s missing is a laser and actual bullets. (And yes, it kinda looks like a white headcrab plush if you use your imagination, but it’s still awesome nonetheless.)

I want one now.

Check it out:

Interactive Talking Plush Portal Turret from Jonathan M. Guberman on Vimeo.

About Andy Yen