What I’m Listening To (January ’08 Edition)

One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to stop being jaded about music and actually listen to new stuff. It’s a good thing I did, because theres a bunch of really awesome records out now. I hope this continues on throughout the year and I can make these posts a regular feature.

The album art/title will take you to the Amazon product page for the CD. The Myspace link will let you listen to some songs. I’ve made it a point to put my favorite song pick so you know which track to go for if you’re in an impatient mood.

That being said, here are my favorite new records of the first month of 2008 (after the jump):

Hot Chip – Made In The Dark


Track to start with: Shake A Fist

I wasn’t a huge fan of Hot Chip before, but this record is immensely fun. Electro dance/pop at it’s finest. With soothing British vocals to boot. The new record is definitely a lot more accessible and I hope it helps more people discover the group. Songs like Shake A Fist would fit along seamlessly into any club mix.

The Raveonettes – Lust Lust Lust


Track to start with: Dead Sound

Chalk another one up to the “bands I like more with the new record” list. It’s amazing what a little more pop does for your sound.

Air Traffic – Fractured Life


Track to start with: Shooting Star

The best Britrock I’ve heard since…Coldplay? Imagine if Coldplay had more up tempo songs and some uplifting The Edge-like guitar solos and you have these guys.

Vampire Weekend – Vampire Weekend


Track to start with: APunk

Someone compared these guys to an indie Simon and Garfunkel. I don’t know if i’d go that far, but there’s something infectious about these NYC kids. Maybe it’s the slight African-music influence you can hear. Nevertheless, the catchy, varied instrumentation sounds unlike any other pop music out there currently. The hype for this band is unbelievable, with MTV, Pitchfork, Letterman, and numerous other mainstream media sources covering them. Don’t let that deter you from giving the album a shot though. M79 is my favorite song on the record, too bad it isn’t on their Myspace.

Milburn – These Are The Facts [UK Import]


Track to start with: What Will You Do (When The Money Goes)

Yes this record came out last year, but I totally missed it. It’s also a UK import. Reminds me a little of Hard-Fi meets The Smiths meets the youthful exuberance of the Arctic Monkeys. Great stuff.

About Andy Yen