Would You Pay $20 Grand to Watch Films at Home the Same Day They Hit Theaters?

I totally love services that require extravagant wastes of money like this. It encourages me to get to a point in my life where I can be “that guy” that buys shit like this.

Prima Cinema Inc. is the new start-up company behind the service, which would charge a one-time fee of $20,000 in order to install what they call a “digital-delivery system”, and then there would be an additional $500 fee per film. The Wall Street Journal says that Prima wants to attract “the world’s best-appointed living rooms”, which may limit the market a bit, sure, but, like Universal’s Adam Fogelson points out, it’s such a niche market that it shouldn’t harm “any of our existing partners or revenue streams.”

Read: Would You Pay $20 Grand to Watch Films at Home the Same Day They Hit Theaters? – The Moviefone Blog.

About Andy Yen