Your Chance To Teabag Death Cab For Cutie In Call Of Duty 4

death cab for cutie pew pew pew

If you think Death Cab For Cutie is too “emo” for this world, now’s your chance to virtually teabag them after shooting them to death online!

Nick and Jason from DCFC will be playing Call of Duty 4 against any and all thirteen year olds opponents this Friday, May 16th from 7:30-9:30 EST. You’ll only be able to play against them if you have the Xbox 360 version of the game, though.

If you’re an Xbox LIVE Gold member, and you want a chance to play with Death Cab for Cutie, send a friend request to the following Gamertags and be online half an hour before (7:00 P.M. ET) the Game with Fame session starts at 7:30 P.M. ET on Friday, May 16:

  • GWF DCFC Nick
  • GWF DCFC Jason

It’s too bad there’s no extra in game challenge XP awards for killing indie rockers, that should be good for at least 1000xp in game.

Game With Fame: Death Cab For Cutie []

About Andy Yen